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[转]Google AJAX Search API Example Python Code


For whatever reason, there aren’t many examples on the net of Python code that can be used

with the Google AJAX Search API. I’m not really sure why this is and perhaps I’m missing something,

but for future reference here’s some sample python code.



import urllib

import simplejson

query = urllib.urlencode({'q' : 'damon cortesi'})

url = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&%s' \

  % (query)

search_results = urllib.urlopen(url)

json = simplejson.loads(search_results.read())

results = json['responseData']['results']

for i in results:

  print i['title'] + ": " + i['url']


Google Web Search API的文档:http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/apis/websearch/docs/reference.html#_intro_fonje


该日志于 2011-05-18 17:17 由 redice 发表在 redice's Blog ,你除了可以发表评论外,还可以转载 “[转]Google AJAX Search API Example Python Code” 日志到你的网站或博客,但是请保留源地址及作者信息,谢谢!!    (尊重他人劳动,你我共同努力)
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